Radio Havana Cuba: December 12, 2016

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Anthony Messina, for the following recording and notes:

African music program followed by an interview. Recorded onto cassette tape via a Tecsun PL-880 transferred onto Audacity. QTH (location of recording) was Haddon Heights, NJ USA at 12:30am EST 12-12-16

KCBI Shortwave: January 9, 1987

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Scott Nelson, who shares the following recording and notes:

KCBI Shortwave from Dallas, Texas recorded January 09, 1987, on a Sony ICF-6500W portable receiver in Minot, North Dakota.  The cassette recording was later converted to mp3 format.
This recording features Glenn Hauser's World of Radio program, KCBI ID and address, and sign-off of the frequency.
Recorded on 11.79 MHz at 2030 UTC, January 9, 1987.

KCBS Pyongyang: December 3, 2016

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Anthony Messina, who shares the following recording and notes:

This recording was taken at 15kHz filtering, and is for historical purposes. It was taken via using the node in Daegu, South Korea tuned to 2850kHz which is the domestic SW frequency of the DPRK. 2850kHz simulcasts the same broadcast on their MW frequency of 819kHz. 819kHz is listenable via this node, but it is usually met with noise jamming from the ROK and the 2850kHz frequency was booming in and much nicer to listen to. I will make more recordings of the many DPRK stations, including their 819kHz station. 
It was taken on the 3rd of December, 2016 at 5:02pm EST

Radio Havana Cuba (death of Fidel Castro): November 26, 2016

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, James KG5ST, who notes:

The program was first aired RHC on November 26, 2016
This recording was recorded starting at about 06:00 UTC on Nov 27, 2016 via the W7RNA websdr located in Sedona, Arizona, USA.
The program was a special in remembrance of the death of Fidel Castro, leader of the Cuban Revolution, on November 25, 2016. The program included remembrances, editorials, reflections by world leaders and a special edition of the Mailbag show, with letters from listeners mourning the death of Hermano Fidel.

I thought this was a moment in history that needed to be recorded and shared.

James, KG5JST

80th Birthday of Rudolf Hess (1974)

Mystery still surrounds the 1941 flight from Germany to Britain by Nazi Deputy Fuhrer Rudolf Hess. After the Nuremberg Trials, Hess finished his days as the only inmate of Spandau Prison in West Berlin.

BBC World Service (26 April 1974).


Recorded off-air by Ian Holder, Australia

Spiro Agnew (31 Oct. 1970)

Comment of American VP Spiro Agnew from the Armed Forces Radio Network (AFRTS).

AFRTS began during WW2 to bring network shows to US troops in various parts of the world via shortwave and recordings. Later TV shows were added and the service continues-

Recorded from shortwave by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia

Spiro Agnew information-


Soviet October Revolution Parade (1970)

Shortwave coverage from Radio Moscow of the Soviet October Revolution Parade (7 November 1970). The military parade celebrated the October Revolution beginning in 1918 and continued until 1990 (the year before the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991).

Recorded off-air by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia

Sound- fair

More information-

German- Soviet Treaty (1970)

Shortwave broadcast from Deutsche Welle (13 August 1970)- German-Soviet Treaty.(aka The Treaty of Moscow 1970)

Recorded off-air by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia

Information on the German- Soviet Treaty-




Palastinian Highjackings in Jordan (1970)

01 Armed Forces Radio & Television Service(AFRTS 8 Sept.1970)- The highjacking situation
02 Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC) (8 Sept.1970)
03 Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC) (11 Sept.1970)
04 VOA Evacuation announcement (25 Sept.1970)- Ian Holder:"It was a coincidence that I happened to have the recorder running while I was tuned to the Voice of America when this "evacuation from Jordan" announcement was made".

Recorded off-air by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia.

Information on the 1970 highjackings in Jordon-

Indo-Pakistan War (1971)

Indo-Pakistan War (1971)

Shortwave transmissions from All India Radio during the Indo-Pakistan War (1971)

01 All India Radio (Thursday 16 Dec. 1971) 20-00 GMT

02 All India Radio (Friday 17 Dec. 1971) 20-00 GMT

03 All India Radio (Saturday 18 Dec. 1971) 20-00 GMT

Information on the Indo-Pakistan War (1971)

Off-air recordings by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia

Jazz From The Left: December 7, 2016

Dave Brubeck

Dave Brubeck

For your listening pleasure, Raoul van Hall's Jazz From the Left via WRMI.

This show was recorded on 7.730 MHz on Wednesday, December 7, 2016 starting around 00:00 UTC. The recording was make with a WinRadio Excalibur Receiver and a skyloop wire antenna in North Carolina. 

DSWCI Special 60th Anniversary Broadcast: December 3, 2016

DSWCI (Danish Shortwave Club International) special 60th anniversary broadcast recorded in London, UK on December 3, 2016 at 1959 UTC, on the frequency of 9715 kHz using, SDR#, AirSpy Mini, SpyVerter, Lowe PR-150 preselector and DX Engineering NCC-1 phaser connected to two Wellbrook ALA1530S+ antennas (positioned indoors) to mitigate severe local man-made interference. The transmitter is located in Trincomalee, Sri Lanka. The power rating of this transmission was 125 kW.

Voice of Vietnam (27 Jan. 1969)

Voice of Vietnam (27 Jan. 1969)

Shortwave broadcast from the Voice of Vietnam in Hanoi
(Monday 27 Jan. 1969).

- Music
- Woman announcer reads names of captured American GI’s
- Music
- Announcer talks of conditions of captured GI’s
- Music
- Comments from captured American GI’s
- Announcer reads out the names of captured GI’s and comments
  from GI’s themselves
- Music
- Announcer reads out names of GI casualties

Sound quality- fair

Recorded off-air by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia

Radio Canada International: December 28, 1981

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Laskowski, for the following recording and notes:

Another one of my many recordings of Shortwave Listener's Digest from Radio Canada International. This program highlights are: Gerard Raskin and Ian McFarland with a program about the first radio broadcast on Christmas Eve 1906; Glenn Hauser's DX news; Item from Radio Netherlands on New Year's Nonsense from the Netherlands.

Starting time: 2107 UTC

Frequency: 15.325 MHz

Receiver location: South Bend, IN

Receiver and antenna: GE portable and longwire

Spectres of Shortwave soundtrack via WRMI: November 13, 2016

The following recording of the Spectres of Shortwave soundtrack was recorded on November 13, 2016 on 7.57 MHz starting around 23:00 UTC. Note that the audio ends abruptly--likely a technical error at WRMI. I kept recording one minute after the audio stopped (but the AM carrier was still present).