Radio Havana Cuba: December 18, 2014


Many thanks to SRA contributor, Matt Todd, who shares the following recording and notes:

On December 17, 2014 it was announced that diplomatic relations between the United States and Cuba would be restored and an exchange of prisoners between the two countries would occur. This is the Radio Havana Cuba broadcast from that day. It was recorded December 18, 2014 at 0159 UTC on 6000khz using a Yaesu FT-857 in Hugo, MN.

Program Details:

00:00 Sign-on

01:25 News - Prisioners released in exchange, US and Cuba announced discussion to normalize relations, Complaint filed in relation to Bush era torture programs, Talaban attack in Afghanastan, Jeb Bush running for US President

12:00 Address from Cuban President Raul Castro

18:50 Commentary on ISIS

24:10 Sports

29:45 Cuban Music

34:25 News

39:00 Mailbag

51:15 Arts Roundup

Starting time: 0159 UTC

Frequency: 6 MHz

RX location: Hugo, MN

Receiver and antenna: Yaesu FT-857 and wire loop around the perimeter of the attic

Radio Havana Cuba: December 18, 2014
Matt Todd

Radio Habana Cuba (51 aniversario): February 16, 2016


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Emilio Ruiz, who shares this recording of Radio Havana Cuba's Spanish Language Service. This recording was made on February 16, 2016 starting at 6:00 UTC on 11.760 MHz. This recording was made in Chiapas, México with a Keenwood R-600 and Magnetic Loop antenna.

Radio Habana Cuba (51 aniversario): February 16, 2016
Emilio Ruiz

Radio Havana Cuba (Aircheck): August 2, 2017

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Anthony Messina, who shares the following recording and notes:

This is an aircheck of Radio Habana Cuba on 6145 from 8/2/17 via a KiwiSDR in Alexandria, VA at 1:15am EDT roughly. 
Radio Havana Cuba (Aircheck): August 2, 2017
Anthony Messina

Radio Havana Cuba: December 12, 2016

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Anthony Messina, for the following recording and notes:

African music program followed by an interview. Recorded onto cassette tape via a Tecsun PL-880 transferred onto Audacity. QTH (location of recording) was Haddon Heights, NJ USA at 12:30am EST 12-12-16
Radio Havana Cuba: December 12, 2016
Anthony Messina

Radio Havana Cuba (death of Fidel Castro): November 26, 2016

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, James KG5ST, who notes:

The program was first aired RHC on November 26, 2016
This recording was recorded starting at about 06:00 UTC on Nov 27, 2016 via the W7RNA websdr located in Sedona, Arizona, USA.
The program was a special in remembrance of the death of Fidel Castro, leader of the Cuban Revolution, on November 25, 2016. The program included remembrances, editorials, reflections by world leaders and a special edition of the Mailbag show, with letters from listeners mourning the death of Hermano Fidel.

I thought this was a moment in history that needed to be recorded and shared.

James, KG5JST
Radio Havana Cuba (death of Fidel Castro): November 26, 2016
James KG5ST

15th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution (1974)-Radio Havana Cuba


01. Speech by Fidel Castro (in Spanish) on the 15th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution. Originally delivered January 2, 1974. Broadcast January 10, 1974- 0420GMT- 11.840khz.

02. English summary of Castro’s speech January 11, 1974. 20.55 GMT- 15.140khz

Recorded off-air by Ian Holder, Brisbane, Australia.


01. Fidel Castro (in Spanish) Radio Havana Cuba. Broadcast 10 January 1974
Castro's speech-English summary- Radio Havana 11 Jan.1974

Radio Havana Cuba: November 20, 2016

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Joel Benavidez, who notes:

Amateur radio operator Joel Benavidez, KF5UNI from San Antonio, Texas made the recording in his home using the internet and the magic of Software Defined Radio or "SDR". SDR allows anyone with an internet connection to monitor someone else's radio over the internet. In this case, Amateur radio operator Louis Brown, KD4HSO in Kansas.
The Show "DXers Unlimited" is a ham radio oriented "techy" show out of Cuba, known to, and respected by Ham radio operators the world over.
Starting time: 0515
Frequency: 6.099 MHz
Location: Remote Recording made in San Antonio, Texas (HamGridSquare EL09ql) by station KF5UNI from station KD4HSO in Kansas USA (HamGridSquare: EM28qw)
Your receiver and antenna: OpenWebRX Software Defined Radio (SDR) over with receiver at
Radio Havana Cuba: November 20, 2016
Joel Benavidez

Radio Havana Cuba, Barack Obama and Raúl Castro Press Conference in Cuba: March 21, 2016

The following off-air recording of Radio Havana Cuba was made on March 21, 2016, starting a couple of minutes prior to 1800 UTC on 11,670 kHz (at an AM bandwidth of 12.5 kHz). This was a historic event: the first time a US president has visited Cuba in over 8 decades. The following recording includes the live coverage of the Obama/Casto press conference, followed by one hour of RHC's English language service and a part of RHC's French language service.

The receiver used was a WinRadio Excalibur connected to a Pixel Loop Pro magnetic loop antenna. Location received was North Carolina.

Radio Havana Cuba, Barack Obama and Raúl Castro Press Conference in Cuba: March 21, 2016
Thomas Witherspoon

Shortwave Radio Interval Signals 1976-77

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Greg Shoom, who shares this recording of interval signals from 1976-1977. He has kindly logged the interval signals as:

  • Deutsche Welle

  • R. Nederland

  • Voice Mirror of the PTT Habana, Cuba

  • Voice of Spain

  • History of R. Nederland's interval signal

  • R. Nederland Arabic service

  • Unidentified interval signal 2

  • R. Canada International

  • R. Nacional de Brasilia

  • Interval signal history from R. Nederland

  • R. RSA

  • Voice of Iran

  • R. Habana Cuba

  • BBC Spanish Service

  • Voice of Turkey

Recorded 1976 and 1977 in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.

Click here to download the recording as an MP3 or simply listen via the embedded player below. Please subscribe to our podcast to receive future recordings automatically.

Shortwave Radio Interval Signals 1976-77
Greg Shoom

Radio Havana Cuba, November 24, 2013



Many thanks to SWAA contributor, Frank, for this recording of the Radio Havana Cuba in English and Spanish.

Frank recorded this broadcast from his home in Europe on 24 November 2013, starting around 00:15 UTC on 5,040 kHz.

Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below:

Radio Havana Cuba (English and Spanish): November 24, 2013

Radio Havana Cuba's DXers Unlimited


If you live in the Americas and you regularly listen to a shortwave radio, you have no doubt heard Radio Havana Cuba across the shortwave spectrum. When I travel in North or Central America, I can easily hear RHC, often without even extending the telescopic antenna on my portable. A long-running program on RHC's English hour is Arnie Coro's DXers Unlimited.

Tuesday night, I recorded the DXers Unlimited segment from RHC's The English Hour on 6 MHz, and offer it here for your listening pleasure.  If the recording doesn't sound typical of shortwave radio, it's because: a) RHC's signal is exceptionally strong into North America, and b) I recorded this with an AM filter 24 kHz wide.  In other words, I widened my DSP filter to match RHC's bandwidth on my spectrum display--and to put this in perspective, I regularly record between 7-9 kHz wide. (This results in the crisp, high-fidelity audio you hear in this recording, though unfortunately at the compromise of any adjacent stations abiding by HF broadcasting etiquette.)

You can download the MP3 directly by clicking here, or simply listen in the embedded player below:

Radio Havana Cuba - DXers Unlimited