Radio Canada International, Shortwave Listener's Corner (Studio Recording): December 27, 1987


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Sam Ward, who shares the following studio recording and notes:

[This] recording is of the Shortwave Listener's Corner program from December 27, 1987. This edition of the program was a bit unusual in that I don't think they read anyone's letters, but the program definitely does have an Arctic theme to it, plus, Radio Canada International plays a few Christmas carols sung in the Inuktitut language. I certainly appreciate Ian McFarland giving me this studio recording of the show, since I missed it when it was first broadcast.

KUSW Worldwide Radio: December 26, 1987


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the folowing recording and notes:

KUSW Shortwave from Salt Lake City, Utah recorded on December 26, 1987 received at 2040 UTC on 17715 kHz. Includes rock music, national commercials, newscast, frequency schedule and announcements by John Florence. Ends with something similar to an interval signal. Music and commercials are scoped.

Broadcaster: WUSW Worldwide Radio

Date of recording: 12/26/1987

Starting time: 2040 UTC

Frequency: 17.715 MHz

RX location: Minnetonka, MN

Receiver and antenna: ICOM R71A with longwire

World of Radio: August 1987


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Bruce Atchison, for sharing the following recording and notes:

This portion of Glenn Hauser's World of Radio show was taped in August of 1987 with my Sony ICF7600 receiver on 9850 kHz. It was on at 0200 UTC but I can't remember the station it was on. Perhaps it was WRNO.

Radio Australia: June 20, 1987

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Laskowski, for the following recording of Radio Australia. Tom notes:

A program from Radio Australia called Talkback recorded in June 1987. This episode looked at the story of the closing of the Lyndhurst transmitter site. The program was titled "The Lyndhurst Special". I probably recorded this around 0400 UTC or later back when the nighttime frequency of 17795 kHz put in a good signal during the summer months at night. Enjoy.

Location: South Bend, IN, USA

Receiver: Sony ICF-2001

KCBI Shortwave: January 9, 1987

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Scott Nelson, who shares the following recording and notes:

KCBI Shortwave from Dallas, Texas recorded January 09, 1987, on a Sony ICF-6500W portable receiver in Minot, North Dakota.  The cassette recording was later converted to mp3 format.
This recording features Glenn Hauser's World of Radio program, KCBI ID and address, and sign-off of the frequency.
Recorded on 11.79 MHz at 2030 UTC, January 9, 1987.

Radio Moscow: January 08, 1987

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Scott Nelson, for sharing the following recording:

Date of recording: 1/8/1987
Starting time: 0411 UTC
Frequency: 6.000
Location: Minot, North Dakota
Receiver and antenna: Sony ICF-6500W with indoor random wire
Notes: Programs include "News and Views", ID, "News in Brief", "Roundabout the USSR", various programming.