Radio Nacional Brasilia: July 3, 2016

Radio Nacional Brasilia broadcasting in Portuguese to Brazil. The recording contains music with the occasional ID. This is very good DX for me, as reception of South American stations is quite difficult in my part of the world. Transmitted at 250 kw from Brasilia. Received with an Eton Satellit and Kestrel active loop in Sydney, Australia.

Radio Luxembourg (German Language Service): February 1982

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Paul Harner, for the following recording. Paul notes:

The German service of RTL was recorded late on a Saturday/early Sunday morning Europe in either February or March 1982.  For those who speak German, there are news headlines that could pinpoint the exact date, so any help given would be greatly appreciated.

If you can help Paul ID headlines in this recording, please comment!

Radio Colosal: April 16, 1980

Many thanks to SRAA contributor Paul Harner for the following recordings. Paul notes:

Radio Colosal de Neiva (Colombia) was one of the more reliable signals to be found on 60 meters where I live.  The station was an affiliate of the TODELAR network, and broadcast on 4945 kHz.  Within a year of this recording, Radio Colosal disappeared and the frequency became part of the Caracol network.

KBS World Radio in English: June 15, 2016

KBS World Radio on 9570 kHz ending the broadcast in Indonesian and starting the English broadcast to Southeast Asia. There was some mild adjacent channel interference for the first half hour so I have recorded with the narrow filter engaged. The program includes news, Seoul travel tips, a Korean language lesson, Sounds of Korea traditional music, Quarterly Quiz competition and sign off. Broadcast at 100 kw from Kimjae, South Korea. Received in Sydney, Australia, with a Degen DE1121 and a Kestrel active loop antenna.

Radio Oromiya: June 5, 2016

Radio Oromiya broadcasting in Afar Oromo to East Africa. Transmitted at 100 kw from Addis Ababa-Gedja, Ethiopia. Received in Sydney, Australia, with a Degen DE1103 and a Kestrel active loop antenna. The recording includes ID at 1900. The signal was good and the noise low and I was enjoying the music until the batteries died.  I quickly put a fresh set in but the Degen decided to spit the dummy and wouldn't work again that morning. The noise has been too high since then to attempt another recording.

Rádio Nacional da Amazônia: May 12, 2016 (breaking news of Dilma Rousseff facing impeachment trial)

Last night, my buddy John Figliozzi shared the following tip regarding Rádio Nacional da Amazônia:

Both frequencies active tonight — 6180 and 11780 — with lots of discussion as well as excerpts from speeches in the Brazilian Senate on the impeachment of the President.  All in Portuguese of course.  ID around 0155 with announcement of shortwave frequencies.  Excellent armchair quality signal on 6180; audible with considerable QRN on 11780.

After reading John's message, I immediately tuned to 6180 kHz where Rádio Nacional da Amazônia was quite strong. I recorded almost two hours of their broadcast which includes news about the impeachment and music as well. This recording was made in North Carolina using a WinRadio Excalibur receiver and a Pixel Loop Pro magnetic loop antenna, starting around 02:20 UTC on May 12, 2016:

Ecos del Torbes: March 1980 (2 Parts)

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Paul Harner, who notes:

Broadcasting from San Cristobal, Venezuela on 4980 kHz, Ecos del Torbes was well heard in midwestern North America in the evenings and early mornings.  Here is a recording of the station from the 11 PM hour (local time) in the spring of 1980.
There is a pleasant mix of English and Spanish language pop, featuring several Venezuelan artists in this aircheck.  There is also a brief newscast in the second half of the recording.  If anyone out there has a better understanding of Spanish than myself, I would like to know the specific headlines, as it would help me get the precise date this recording was made.

La Voz de Huila: April 27, 1980 (2 parts)

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Paul Harner, who notes:

In 1980, Daylight Saving Time began on the 27'th of April.  When I was in high school, the Saturday night overnight hours were a favorite time for me to listen to shortwave signals.  Especially the domestic Latin American stations on 49 and 60 meters.
On that night, two stations from Colombia were coming in reasonably well, and I decided to record an hour of each of them.
Based in the city of Neiva, "La Voz de Huila" was an affiliate of the TODELAR network ('Primeros en sintonia').  One could easily identify stations from this network through their top of the hour ID's (they used chimes similar to the NBC network in the USA).  The station's frequency was 6150 kHz.
Here is a recording of "La Voz de Huila," taken during the 4 AM hour (local time) on 27 April 1980