Rádio Clube do Pará: December 29, 2018


Rádio Clube do Pará recorded in Lanzarote, Las Canarias, Spain on December 29, 2018 at 0100 UTC on the frequency of 4885 kHz using Tecsun PL-680 and a piece of wire attached to its telescopic antenna. The transmitter is located in Belem, Brazil. This non-directional transmission had a power rating of 5kW and a multi-path propagation echo can be heard in the recording.

Radio Fana: August 6, 2018


Radio Fana recorded outdoors in London, UK on August 6, 2018 at 1800 UTC, on the frequency of 6110 kHz using a Tecsun PL-680 radio and a long-wire external antenna. The transmitter is located in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. This non-directional transmission had a power rating of 100 kW. Reception improves markedly around the 30 minute mark in the recording.

Medi 1 (Morocco): July 15, 2016

Medi 1 recorded in London, UK on July 15, 2016 at 2100 UTC on the frequency of 9575 kHz using a Tecsun PL-680 radio with the Lowe PR-150 preselector and DX Engineering NCC-1 phaser connected to two Wellbrook ALA1530S+ antennas (positioned indoors) to mitigate severe local man-made interference. News in Moroccan Arabic at the start, news in French one hour into the recording.

Voice of Turkey (English): July 17, 2016

Voice of Turkey recorded in London, UK on July 17, 2016 at 2200 UTC on the frequency of 9830 kHz using a Tecsun PL-680 radio with the Lowe PR-150 preselector and DX Engineering NCC-1 phaser connected to two Wellbrook ALA1530S+ antennas (positioned indoors) to mitigate severe local man-made interference.

Radio Belarus (Russian): March 31, 2016

Radio Belarus in Russian recorded outdoors in London, UK on March 31, 2016 at 1439 UTC, on the frequency of 11730 kHz using a Tecsun PL-680 radio and the supplied external antenna. The transmitter has a power rating of 150 kW and is located in Minsk, Belarus. The characteristic hum and low modulation typical of Radio Belarus are present in this recording.

Radio Belarus (Belorussian): March 31, 2016

Radio Belarus in Belorussian recorded outdoors in London, UK on March 31, 2016 at 1256 UTC, on the frequency of 11730 kHz using a Tecsun PL-680 radio and the supplied external antenna. The transmitter has a power rating of 150 kW and is located in Minsk, Belarus. The characteristic hum and low modulation typical of Radio Belarus are present in this recording. At 1330 UTC, BBC Bangla started broadcasting on the same frequency.

Radio New Zealand International: December 4, 2015

Radio New Zealand International recorded in London, UK on December 04, 2015 at 1359 UTC, on the frequency of 9700 kHz using a Tecsun PL-680 radio with a 6m long wire external antenna. The transmitter has a power rating of 100 kW and is located in Rangitaiki, New Zealand. Significant interference from an unidentified data transmission signal was observed intermittently during the recording.

Radio Habana Cuba (English): June 12, 2015

Radio Habana Cuba (English service) recorded in London, UK on June 12, 2015 at 0300 UTC on the frequency of 6000 kHz using a Tecsun PL-680 radio with a Lowe PR-150 preselector, two Wellbrook ALA1530S+ antennas (positioned indoors) and a DX Engineering NCC-1 phaser. The transmitter is located in Quivicán, Cuba and has a power rating of 250 kW. The recording has mild distortion because of an incorrect audio gain setting on the recorder.