USSR Shortwave Broadcasters: Circa 1970's

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Dan Greenall, who shares the following recordings and notes:

Broadcaster: USSR shortwave broadcasters 1970's

Frequency: various

Reception location: Ancaster, Ontario, Canada

Receiver and antenna: Hallicrafters S-52 using a longwire antenna

Notes: Around 1970, there were other stations in the Soviet Union (USSR) that could be found on the shortwaves besides Radio Moscow. Programming on most of these outlets was all in Russian.

Radiostansiya Rodina (Homeland) is heard here with their interval signal and identification in Russian sometime in 1971. Shortwave frequency was likely 7100 kHz.

Radiostansiya Rodina: 1971
Dan Greenall

Radiostansiya Atlantika broadcast to the Soviet fishing fleet circa 1970.

Radiostansiya Atlantika: 1970
Dan Greenall

Radiostansiya Mayak (lighthouse) could also be heard on various frequencies during the early 1970's.

Radio Mayak: Circa 1970s
Dan Greenall

Radio Station Peace and Progress, the Voice of Soviet Public Opinion, had some English language programs.

Radio Station Peace and Progress: Circa 1970s
Dan Greenall
Radio Station Peace and Progress Interval Signal
Dan Greenall

Radio Peace and Progress (Portuguese): December 30, 1983

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Antonio Ribeiro da Motta, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: Radio Peace & Progress

Date of recording: December 30, 1983

Starting time: 0100 UTC

Frequency: 11795 kHz

Reception location: São José dos Campos SP Brazil

Receiver and antenna: Philco Transglobe B481 Longwire 22 mt

Notes: Portuguese transmission of Radio Peace and Progress

Radio Peace and Progress (Portuguese): December 30, 1983
Antonio Ribeiro da Motta

Radio Moscow - Soyuz 26, Day 08: December 17, 1977


Many thanks to Shortwave Radio Audio Archive contributor, Colin Anderton, who shares a series of off-air recordings, originally made on reel-to-reel tape, of Radio Moscow in the late 1970s. This is the second recording in this collection. Colin notes:

As a space flight nut, I have many recordings from the 1970s from Radio Moscow. They used to broadcast on the medium wave, and I used to record the news bulletins during some of the space flights.
In particular, there was a period between December 1977 and March 1978 when Soviet cosmonauts first lived aboard the Salyut 6 space station. I recorded each days' news reports on the flights, and also some additional items about them. I have some other flights as well.
I received them all on 227 metres Medium Wave at 22.00 hrs GMT each night. I was in a village called Stetchworth, near Newmarket, Suffolk, England at the time.
In fact, an announcer gives the general daily broadcast details on this first recording.
I used a similar system with all the files, that is: where any edit takes place, I have placed a one-second break to identify the spot. No other editing of any kind has been done.
Radio Moscow - Soyuz 26, Day 08: December 17, 1977
Colin Anderton

Radio Moscow - Soyuz 26 Launch: December 10, 1977

Many thanks to Shortwave Radio Audio Archive contributor, Colin Anderton, who shares a series of off-air recordings, originally made on reel-to-reel tape, of Radio Moscow in the late 1970s. This is the first recording in this collection. Colin notes:

As a space flight nut, I have many recordings from the 1970s from Radio Moscow. They used to broadcast on the medium wave, and I used to record the news bulletins during some of the space flights.
In particular, there was a period between December 1977 and March 1978 when Soviet cosmonauts first lived aboard the Salyut 6 space station. I recorded each days' news reports on the flights, and also some additional items about them. I have some other flights as well.
I received them all on 227 metres Medium Wave at 22.00 hrs GMT each night. I was in a village called Stetchworth, near Newmarket, Suffolk, England at the time.
In fact, an announcer gives the general daily broadcast details on this first recording.
I used a similar system with all the files, that is: where any edit takes place, I have placed a one-second break to identify the spot. No other editing of any kind has been done.
Radio Moscow, Soyuz 26 Launch: December 10, 1977
Colin Anderton