KGEI: April 01, 1978

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Antonio Ribeiro da Motta, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: KGEI San Francisco CA USA

Date of recording: April 01, 1978

Starting time: 2030 UTC

Frequency: 9615 kHz

Recpotion location: São José dos Campos SP Brazil

Receiver and antenna: Philco Transglobe B481 Longwire 22 mt

Notes: Recording of the program Departiendo con La Juventud presented by Mario Barahona (in memorian). There are 2 programs that were merged: days 01 and 02/04/1978.

Radio Logos: December 20, 2017

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Antonio Ribeiro da Motta, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: Radio Logos - Chazuta - Peru

Date of recording: December 20, 2017

Starting time: 1156

Frequency: 4810 kHz

Recption location: São Luiz do Paraitinga SP Brazil

Receiver and antenna: SDRplay RSPA1

Notes: Recording made in São Luiz do Paraitinga state of São Paulo Brazil. Starts at 1156 UTC. Recording made using an SDRplay model RSPA1 receiver coupled to a G5RV antenna. The program was broadcast in Spanish and Quechua languages.

Radio Peace and Progress (Portuguese): December 30, 1983

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Antonio Ribeiro da Motta, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: Radio Peace & Progress

Date of recording: December 30, 1983

Starting time: 0100 UTC

Frequency: 11795 kHz

Reception location: São José dos Campos SP Brazil

Receiver and antenna: Philco Transglobe B481 Longwire 22 mt

Notes: Portuguese transmission of Radio Peace and Progress

KGEI (San Francisco): April 1, 1978

Image source:

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Antonio Ribeiro da Motta, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: KGEI San Francisco CA USA

Date of recording: April 01, 1978

Starting time: 2030 UTC

Frequency: 9615 kHz

Recotion location: São José dos Campos SP Brazil

Receiver and antenna: Philco Transglobe B481 Longwire 22 mt

Notes: Recording of the program Departiendo con La Juventud presented by Mario Barahona (in memorian). There are 2 programs that were merged: days 01 and 02/04/1978.