Voyager Experimental Aircraft Flight Communications with Dick Rutan and Jeana Yeager in 1986 - First Aircraft to Circle Around World Without Stopping: December 1986

Voyager - 1.jpg
Tom Gavaras’ QSL card reply from the Voyager team.

Tom Gavaras’ QSL card reply from the Voyager team.

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording, QSL card (above), and notes:

Rutan Model 76 Voyager Experimental Aircraft was the first aircraft to fly around the world without stopping or refueling. It was piloted by Dick Rutan and Jeana Yeager. The flight took off from Edwards Air Force Base's runway in the Mojave Desert on December 14, 1986, and ended 9 days later on December 23, setting a flight endurance record. This shortwave recording is a sample of some of the communications between Dick Rutan and his ground crew including a debate if Dick should walk out of the aircraft after it lands.

Note: Best estimate for date of recording is December 22, 1986

RX location: Minnetonka, MN

Receiver and antenna: ICOM R71A

Radio Jamahiriya: May 12, 1982

QSL Image Source:

QSL Image Source:

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording and notes:

Radio Jamahiriya English language shortwave broadcast from Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya consisting of a newscast, Focus on the Jamahiriya (a general look at the cultural, political, social and economic lives in the Jamahiriya) and music. In the background, you can hear the interval signal for Radio Nacional de España.

Frequency: 11815 MHz

RX location: Plymouth, Minnesota

Receiver and antenna: Hammarlund HQ-180, longwire

Radio Berlin International: July 1, 1990

QSL Image courtesy of the BDXC.

QSL Image courtesy of the BDXC.

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tim Harrold, who shares the following recording and notes:

A recording of the English programme from Radio Berlin International, made on 1st July 1990, the day of economic unification of East and West Germany, three months before political reunification (which also meant the end of RBI itself). Changes on 1st July included the end of border controls, the introduction of the Deutschmark into the GDR and a farewell to the Ostmark, all of which are covered in the broadcast. Some of the programme is inaudible due to interference.

Date of recording: 7/1/1990

Frequency: 9.730 MHz

RX location: Birmingham, Uk

Receiver and antenna: Toshiba portable, telescopic antenna

Radio Earth on WRNO Worldwide: September 21, 1984


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording and notes:

Radio Earth program on WRNO Worldwide (New Orleans) in 1984 hosted by Jeff White and includes letters from listeners, commercials, music and announcements that Radio Earth broadcasts would be leaving WRNO and moving to Radio Clarin in the Dominican Republic.

Date of recording: 9/21/1984

Starting time: 0300 UTC

Frequency: Unknown

RX location: Minnetonka, MN

Receiver and antenna: ICOM R71A with longwire

Radio Moscow Mailbag (Studio Recording #9): 1979


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording and notes:

Note: Radio Moscow's Moscow Mailbag with Joe Adamov from 1979 (studio tape). Listening to the questions, such as the first one, makes you wonder if people sent in questions like that to hear if Joe would actually answer them, or if some questions were made up at Radio Moscow for political purposes. Probably both.

ABC Radio Ray Briem Shortwave Show: December 15, 1984


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording and notes:

Ray Briem Show on DXing and Shortwave Listening aired on the ABC Talk Radio Network. The show features many shortwave recordings/interval signals plus interviews with Stewart MacKenzie (American Shortwave Listener's Club), Dr. Richard E. Wood (well known DX-er), Tom Meijer (Radio Netherland’s Happy Station program), Arthur T. Cushen (well known blind DX-er), Glenn Hauser (Review of International Broadcasting/World of Radio), Ian McFarland (Radio Canada International’s Shortwave Listener’s Digest), H. D. Norman (NDXE Radio which never made it on the air), Joe Costello (Owner of WRNO Worldwide) and callers. The recording has popping sounds that were not able to be fully filtered out.

The Voice of Free Sahara: February 11, 2002

Sony 2010 Keypad.jpg

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Enrique Fernandez, who shares the following recording and notes:

The Voice of Free Sahara, 32 kpbs mp3 ripped from a cassette recording. Received with a Sony 2010 and a 40 meter long wire from the France-Switzerland border in 2002.

There is a clear ID at 1”33”.

Frequency: 7.46 MHz

Date/Time: 11 February 2002 at 2333 UTC

Note that the quality of this recording is rather poor due to tape degradation:

KUSW Worldwide Radio: December 26, 1987


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the folowing recording and notes:

KUSW Shortwave from Salt Lake City, Utah recorded on December 26, 1987 received at 2040 UTC on 17715 kHz. Includes rock music, national commercials, newscast, frequency schedule and announcements by John Florence. Ends with something similar to an interval signal. Music and commercials are scoped.

Broadcaster: WUSW Worldwide Radio

Date of recording: 12/26/1987

Starting time: 2040 UTC

Frequency: 17.715 MHz

RX location: Minnetonka, MN

Receiver and antenna: ICOM R71A with longwire

The Voice of Free Sahara: February 24, 2002

Sony 2010 Keypad.jpg

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Enrique Fernandez, who shares the following recording and notes:

The Voice of Free Sahara, 32 kpbs mp3 ripped from a cassette recording. Received with a Sony 2010 and a 40 meter long wire from the France-Switzerland border in 2002. After the news bulletin in Spanish, there is a clear ID at 5”45.

Frequency: 7.46 MHz

Date/Time: 24 February 2002 at 2300UTC

Voice of the Malayan Revolution: Circa 1979

Image: Universal Radio

Image: Universal Radio

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Nigel Thornbury, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: Voice of the Malayan Revolution

Date of recording: 1979

Starting time: 0930

Frequency: 15.790

RX location: Singapore

Receiver and antenna: Sony ICF-5900W, random wire

Mode: AM

If SRAA subscribers can ID the exact date of this recording, please comment.

Voice of America (Apollo 8): December 24, 1968


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Stephen Spicer, who shares the following recording and notes:

Reception location: Melbourne, Australia

Receiver and antenna: AWA CR6A with end feed antenna

Notes: A broadcast by Apollo 8 of the first views of the moon in 1968. The broadcast was transmitted by the Voice of America, and received in Melbourne, Australia on an AWA CR6A communications receiver. The transmission frequency and exact time are unknown.

BBC World Service Annual Antarctic Midwinter Broadcast: June 21, 2020

BAS Rothera Research Station is located on Adelaide Island, west of the Antarctic Peninsula (BAS PHOTO)

BAS Rothera Research Station is located on Adelaide Island, west of the Antarctic Peninsula (BAS PHOTO)

A live, off-air, half-hour recording of the BBC World Service special Antarctic Midwinter Broadcast on 21 June 2020 beginning at 21:30 UTC. The broadcast, hosted by Cerys Matthews, featured messages and music for the staff of the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) overwintering in Antarctica. In addition to personal messages from family and friends, there were special messages from BAS personnel and others including one from Sir David Attenborough. The broadcast was preceded by an approximately 1100-Hz test tone.

The recording is of the transmission on a frequency of 7360 kHz from the BBC's Woofferton, England, transmitting station (300 kW rated transmitter power, antenna beam 182 degrees). The transmission was received on a Tecsun PL-880 receiver with a Tecsun AN-03L 7-metre wire antenna outdoors in Hanwell (just outside Fredericton), New Brunswick, Canada, in AM mode with 2.3 kHz RF filtering. Reception was fairly good with little noise and fading but signal strength was not very strong although much better than that on the parallel frequencies of 5790 kHz from Woofferton and 9580 kHz from Ascension Island.

Various Shortwave Broadcasts clips from the 1960s recorded by WPE9JEL on Reel-to-Reel

Photo by Ingo Schulz on Unsplash

Photo by Ingo Schulz on Unsplash

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Williams, who shares the following recording and notes:

Recorded by Short Wave Listener WPE9JEL from Crown Point during the 1960s. Receiver: Hallicrafters SX-110, Antenna: Random Wire. There are some duplicates that were not edited out - sorry about that.

Radio Sweden Saturday Show (Studio Recording): March 11, 1978

Source: DX Archive

Source: DX Archive

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording and notes:

Radio Sweden Saturday Show hosted by Roger Wallis. This is another studio recording from March 1978. The show featured satirical sketches, often political and sometimes controversial, and Swedish rock and pop music, especially the Swedish progressive music or alternative music scene. Topics for this show included a discussion on the neutron bomb, how to make a fortune in Sweden legally but not morally, and an interview with Georg Wadenius from Blood Sweat and Tears.

Radio Sweden Saturday Show (Studio Recording): March 4, 1978

Source: DX Archive

Source: DX Archive

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who share the following recording and notes:

Radio Sweden Saturday Show hosted by Roger Wallis. This is a studio recording from March 1978. The show featured satirical sketches, often political and sometimes controversial, and Swedish rock and pop music, especially the Swedish progressive music or alternative music scene.

Date of recording: 3/4/1978

Radio Clarin (Dominican Republic): December 12, 1978

Radio Clarin QSL.jpeg

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording and notes:

Radio Clarin (Dominican Republic) with This is Santo Domingo with Rudy Espinal broadcast in 1978. This English language broadcast includes music from the Dominican Republic, talk about a recent power outage, SPEEDX (Society for the Preservation of the Engrossing Enjoyment of DXing) magazine, ANARC (Association of North American Radio Clubs) convention at Radio Canada International in Montreal, and a NASWA (North American Shortwave Association) DX Report with Glenn Hauser.

Date of recording: 12/12/1978

Starting time: 0300 UTC

Frequency: 11.700 MHz

Recption location: Plymouth, Minnesota

Receiver and antenna: Hammarlund HQ-180, longwire

Radio Moscow: December 3, 1978


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording and notes:

Radio Moscow World Service English language broadcast including Moscow Newsreel about the third anniversary of the People's Democratic Republic of Laos, newscasts, music from Moldova, and Soviet Panorama.

Starting time: 0720 UTC

Frequency: Unknown

Reception location: Plymouth, Minnesota

Receiver and antenna: Hammarlund HQ-180, longwire