Special Radio Netherlands broadcast via WRMI: January 18, 2015

Last week, I received a message from Peter De Groot, who announced a special broadcast of Radio Netherlands Worldwide (RNW).

RNW has been off the air for more than 2.5 years, so we can assume this was not sponsored by RNW.

Though scheduling (and the fact I forgot to start a spectrum recording–!) interfered with my ability to listen to the first broadcast on January 17, I was able to catch the January 18 broadcast at 01:00 UTC on 7,570 kHz. The show was relayed by WRMI.

The broadcast came in so strong, when I heard the interval signal, it instantly transported me back to the days when Hilversum targeted eastern North America. Gave me chill bumps.

I was able to record the entire program but did not include the WRMI station ID before and after the special.

For your listening pleasure, one full hour of Radio Netherlands Worldwide via WRMI in Florida USA–click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below. Enjoy:

Radio Berlin International, final episode: October 2, 1990

Many thanks to Shortwave Radio Audio Archive contributor, Richard Langley, who writes:

[The following is a] recording of the penultimate English broadcast from Radio Berlin International (RBI) and the last broadcast in the particular time slot. It was also the last broadcast of the popular DX program DX-tra.

RBI ceased broadcasting at the end of the day on 2 October 1990, the day before German reunification took place.

In addition to the final episode of DX-tra, the recording features the news (in progress as the recording starts a minute or two after 00:45), Commentary, RBI Press Review, and Spotlight on Sport. There are several “goodbye” songs including “The Final Countdown” by the Swedish hard rock band Europe, and “Goodbye Blue Sky” by Pink Floyd and some announcer goodbye comments like “the voice of the disappearing German Democratic Republic,” “that was it,” and “the last day of the good old GDR.”

The 45-minute recording ends with the familiar RBI interval signal and, at 01:30 UTC, the first part of the German-language transmission, also the last in its time slot.

This recording was made in Hanwell, NB, Canada, with a Sony ICF-7600D receiver and supplied wire antenna draped around Richard’s home office. This recording begins around 0045 UTC, October 2, 1990 on a frequency of 9,730 kHz.

Click here to download this recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below:

Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation in English and Pijin, February 5, 2014

Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation received in Sydney, Australia, on the frequency of 9545 kHz.  Music, talk, and the news in Pijin at 0800.  Transmitted at 10 kw from Honiara.  Recorded with the Degen DE1121 and a 40' longwire.

RTM Wai FM: November 8, 2014

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Julie, for this recording of RTM Wai FM.

Julie recorded this broadcast in Sydney, Australia on November 8, 2014 at 1514 UTC on 11665 kHz. Julie notes that she used a Degen DE1121 and 40' long wire.

Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below. Please subscribe to our podcast to receive future recordings automatically.

Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation: March 9, 2014

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Julie, for this recording of the Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation.

Julie recorded this broadcast in Sydney, Australia on March 9, 2014 at 1900 UTC on 5.02 MHz. Julie notes that she used a Degen DE1121 and 40' long wire.

Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below. Please subscribe to our podcast to receive future recordings automatically.

Radio Hargeisa: November 7, 2014

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Julie, for this recording of Radio Hargeisa.

Julie recorded this broadcast in Sydney, Australia on November 7, 2014 at 1500 UTC on 7120 kHz. Julie notes that she used a Degen DE1121 and 40' long wire.

Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below. Please subscribe to our podcast to receive future recordings automatically.

Voice of Tigray Revolution: November 8, 2014

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Julie, for this recording of the Voice of Tigray Revolution.

Julie recorded this broadcast in Sydney, Australia on November 8, 2014 at 1736 UTC on 5950 kHz. Julie notes that she used a Degen DE1121 and 40' long wire.

Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below. Please subscribe to our podcast to receive future recordings automatically.

ABC Northern Territory: 08 November 2014


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Julie, for this recording of Radio Thailand's English language service.

Julie recorded this broadcast in Sydney, Australia on November 8, 2014 at 1155 UTC on 4.835 MHz. Julie notes:

"This frequency booms every night here, unlike the other two NT stations on 2325 and 2485, which the DE1121 cannot record as it only covers 3 to 29.999 MHz. I hear them well sometimes, other times not at all, but 8AL sounds like Alice is next door when it's almost 3 thousand miles away..."

Global 24: October 31 & November 2, 2014

On October 31, 2014 a new 24 hour shortwave radio station began broadcasting (via WRMI) on the fixed frequency of 9395 kHz: Global 24.

The inaugural broadcast of Global 24 Radio started at 23:00 UTC. After tuning to 9295 kHz early, I noticed that Global 24 was using a mix of rock music as a place holder prior to the official sign-on time of 2300 UTC.  I decided to  start recording their broadcast at 21:22 UTC.

Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below:

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Frank, who also recorded Global 24 in Europe starting at 0100 UTC until 0400 UTC on November 2, 2014.

Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below. Please subscribe to our podcast to receive future recordings automatically.

All India Radio, English: October 16, 2014

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Frank, for this recording of All India Radio in English. This broadcast was recorded in Europe on October 16, 2014 at 1745 UTC, shortwave frequency of 7,550 kHz.

Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below. Please subscribe to our podcast to receive future recordings automatically.

ERT Open (Voice of Greece): October 24, 2014

View from the town of Litochoro, in the foothills of Mount Olympus, Greece. (Source: Public Domain via Wikimedia)

View from the town of Litochoro, in the foothills of Mount Olympus, Greece. (Source: Public Domain via Wikimedia)

Many listeners have noticed that the former Voice of Greece (ERT Open) has moved from 9,420 kHz to 9,415 kHz. This must be due to interference from the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) who has been transmitting on 9420 kHz as well.

Here in North America, even when IRIB was broadcasting simultaneously on 9420 kHz, VOG always overpowered their signal. In other parts of the world, though, it was not the same case.

I’m happy VOG/ERT is still on shortwave and broadcasting to the world–though no one really knows for how much longer.

I recorded about one hour of VOG on 9,415 kHz, starting around 0045 UTC today. 

Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below. Please subscribe to our podcast to receive future recordings automatically.

Radio Taiwan International: October 17, 2014

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Frank, for this recording of Radio Taiwan International in English. This broadcast was recorded in Europe on October 17, 2014 at 1600 UTC, shortwave frequency of 15485 kHz.

Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below. Please subscribe to our podcast to receive future recordings automatically.

Radio Exterior de España, final French language broadcast: October 14, 2014

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Frank, for sharing this final French language broadcast of Radio Exterior de España. Frank writes:

This is the final French language shortwave transmission to Europe by Spanish Radio REE, recorded in Europe at 1800 UTC on 9665 kHz, October 14th, 2014

Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below. Please subscribe to our podcast to receive future recordings automatically.

Radio Exterior de España, final Spanish language broadcast: October 14, 2014

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Frank, for sharing this final Spanish language broadcast of Radio Exterior de España. Frank writes:

This is the recording of the last and final shortwave English language transmission of the Spanish Radio - Radio Exterior de Espana, broadcast to Europe. Frequency: 9665 kHz, time: 1900 GMT, date: 14 October 2014 (On October 15th 2014 there was no signal of the station at the same time on 9665 kHz). Although the station was to stream live programming in English on its website, for the moment only podcasts are available and there is no stream availability for English programmes.

Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below. Please subscribe to our podcast to receive future recordings automatically.