XERH (Radio Tricolor Mexico City, Mexico): Circa 1970

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Dan Greenall, who shares the following recording and notes:

XERH Radio Tricolor Mexico City, Mexico 1970 on 11,880 kHz

This station was often heard with a good signal in Ancaster, Ontario, Canada in Spanish with the jingle "La RH, La RH Radio Tricolor"

XERH Radio Tricolor: Circa 1970

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Dan Greenall, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: XERH Radio Tricolor, Mexico City 1970

Frequency: 11.880 MHz

Reception location: Ancaster, Ontario, Canada

Receiver and antenna: Hallicrafters S-52 using a longwire antenna

Notes: XERH from Mexico City, Mexico could often be heard here in southern Ontario, Canada in the Spanish language using the jingle "La RH, La RH, Radio Tricolor" to identify. They were using 11880 kHz shortwave in 1970 when this brief recording was made, and typically played "musica ranchera."

Radio Educación XEPPM-OC (Cultura México Señal Internacional): April 6, 2019

Mexico City, Mexico (Photo by Jezael Melgoza @jezael)

Mexico City, Mexico (Photo by Jezael Melgoza @jezael)

For your listening pleasure: Radio Educación (XEPPM) from Mexico City. This recording was made on April 6, 2019 starting around 0058 UTC on 6,185 kHz. The receiver used was a WinRadio Excalibur hooked to a large horizontal delta loop antenna—the recording was made in North Carolina, USA.

This recording includes music and news—all in Spanish. Enjoy:

Radio Educación XEPPM-OC (Cultura México Señal Internacional): April 1, 2019


For your listening pleasure: Radio Educación (XEPPM) from Mexico City. This recording was made on April 1, 2019 starting around 0125 UTC on 6185 kHz. The receiver used was a WinRadio Excalibur hooked to a large horizontal delta loop antenna—the recording was made in North Carolina, USA.

Although XEPPM’s 1,000 watt signal often makes it into North America, it’s rare that it’s so clear and conditions are so quiet. Their jazz selection on this date was excellent. Enjoy:

Radio Mexico (XERMX), circa 1970s

Many thanks to Shortwave Radio Audio Archive contributor, Dan Robinson, who submits this short recording of Radio Mexico on 11,770 kHz.

Dan comments:

Radio Mexico, like Brazil some years later, inaugurated an international service in multiple languages, including English, heard on several major meter bands. This recording was made in the early 70's using a Pilot Radio T-133.

Click here to download this recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below: