Radio Österreich 1: Two Recordings, April and November 2008
/Many thanks to hb9gce for these recordings of Radio Österreich 1 from 2008:
Many thanks to hb9gce for these recordings of Radio Österreich 1 from 2008:
Many thanks to hb9gce for this recording of Radio Joystick from 2018:
Many thanks to hb9gce for this recording of Radio DARC:
Many thanks to hb9gce for this recording of Radio Austria International from March 12, 1989.
Many thanks to hb9gce for these four recordings of Bible Voice Broadcasting.
Many thanks to hb9gce for these recordings of Adventist World Radio from 2009 through 2021.
Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Lee Herterich, who shares the following recording and notes:
1962 shortwave listening revisited.
Shortwave listening tape recordings from 1962. Included are the BBC, Montreal, Italy, Radio Moscow, Austria and the voice of America. The recording begins and ends with the BBC's Holiday Music Hall.
Receiver location: Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts USA
Receiver and antenna: Lafayette KT-200 receiver and folded dipole antenna
Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tim Harrold, who shares the following recording and notes:
To mark the 30th anniversary of the Romanian Revolution, a recording of "Austrian Shortwave Panorama", Radio Austria International's weekly DX programme presented by David Hermges. This was a special edition broadcast a few days after Romania's 1989 revolution originally broadcast on 31st December 1989 (although this recording is of a repeat from sometime in 1990). Contains off-air recordings of Radio Bucharest and Radio Free Europe (in English, Romanian and other languages) recounting the events of the revolution. (Sent via The Shortwave Radio Audio Archive)
Frequency: 13.730 MHz
Reception location: Birmingham, UK
Receiver and antenna: Toshiba portable, telescopic antenna
Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Benjamin Bilyeu, who shares the following recording and notes:
Date of recording: 6/9/2004
Starting time: 0144 UTC
Frequency: 9.870 Mhz
Receiver location: Cookeville, Tennessee, USA
Receiver and antenna: Grundig Satellit 800 with 50 foot long wire outdoor antenna
Notes: Fifteen minutes of world news, weather, and the "Report From Austria".
Rotating high performance directional antenna of the ORF (“Drehbare Hochleistungsrichtantenne ORF Moosbrunn“ von Daniel Csiky)
For your listening pleasure: Radio Österreich International.
This recording was made on 6,155 kHz on January 29, 2015 starting about 05:59 UTC.
Only recently, SWLing Post reader, Eric asked about orchestral music on shortwave–as you’ll hear, Radio Oesterreich International is certainly a good source!
Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below. Enjoy:
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