Voice Of Vietnam: July 7, 2014

The main Cao Đài temple in the city of Tây Ninh (Source: Wikipedia)

The main Cao Đài temple in the city of Tây Ninh (Source: Wikipedia)

Many thanks to Shortwave Radio Audio Archive contributor, Andre Bagley, who submits this recording of the Voice Of Vietnam from July 7, 2014 at 01:00 UTC on 12,005 kHz.

Andre comments:

This broadcast of the Voice Of Vietnam comes from a UK relay that targets North America shortwave listeners. Voice of Vietnam is interesting primarily because it comes from a communist nation. Voice of Vietnam is far more western in it's broadcasting style then Voice of Korea (one of my most listened to shortwave stations). however it's still not nearly as western as China International Radio, which uses anchors with American accents and uses the same style of reporting as domestic news broadcasts here in the states.
I used a Tecsun PL-600 connected directly into the external microphone jack of a Olympus VN-702 digital voice recorder from the headphone jack of the above mentioned receiver. I adjusted the volume of the receiver's audio output so that it didn't overload the voice recorder. The radio employed a whip antenna (about 3 feet long fully extended) and was placed in a location of my house where shortwave broadcasts receive the best.

Click here to download this recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below:

Voice Of Vietnam: July 7, 2014
Andre Bagley