Radio Slovakia International (Three-Part Christmas Show): December 25-27, 2020

Cabin near Liptovska Mara, Slovakia (Photo by Ostap Senyuk)

Cabin near Liptovska Mara, Slovakia (Photo by Ostap Senyuk)

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Matt Todd, who shares the following recordings and notes:

This is a collection of the 2020 Christmas Broadcasts of Radio Slovakia International. They were all recorded in Hugo, MN on 5850 kHz via WRMI at 0030UTC on December 25, 26, and 27, 2020

Christmas Eve broadcast Program Information: The origin of the word for Christmas in Slovak, baking a Christmas cake, and some music

Christmas Broadcast Program Information: Advent eco calendar, visit to an animal shelter, vegan Christmas foods, and some music. The signal got kind of rough towards the end.

Boxing Day Broadcast Program Information: Performance of Slovak fairy tale "A Tale of Twelve Months", Music

Alfons and the Magic Christmas Tree read by Clayton Howard: December 1974


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Paul Rawdon, for the following recording and notes:

[This is] a recording of a story featured on HCJB’s DX Party Line hosted by Clayton Howard. As far as I remember it was recorded in December 1974. It’s a short story from SPEEDX about the reception of Tristan Da Cunha and St Helena.

SPEEDX ran from 1971 until a declining membership forced its closure in 1995 archived copies of its monthly bulletin can be found here:

Hobart Radio International Christmas & New Year Special: December 20, 2020

Australia, Hobart R logo.gif

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Matt Todd, who shares the following recording and notes:

Hobart Radio International Christmas and New Years Special for 2020. This was recorded December 20, 2020 at 0030UTC on WRMI 7730 kHz in Hugo, MN using an SDRPlay SDR.

Program Information:

Music: Donald Trump (mash up) - Elton John - Boney M - Kate Bush - Band Aid Comedy: Santa Is Indian! / Jack Dee hates Christmas shopping.

China Radio International: December 19, 2020

Photo by zhang kaiyv on Unsplash

Photo by zhang kaiyv on Unsplash

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Matt Todd, who shares the following recording and notes:

China Radio Plus Broadcast recorded December 19, 2020 at 1502 on 15700khz in Hugo, MN. The transmitter did not seem to be turned on until 1502 despite the scheduled start time of 1500.

00:00 News

03:35 Footprints - About the Gaokao

28:27 I Love Podcasts - "Why We Love the Song Dynasty" and "Ties From the West"

Receiver location: Hugo, MN

Receiver and antenna: Sdr Play with a wire loop antenna around the perimeter of the attic

Radio Canada International, Shortwave Listener's Corner (Studio Recording): December 27, 1987


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Sam Ward, who shares the following studio recording and notes:

[This] recording is of the Shortwave Listener's Corner program from December 27, 1987. This edition of the program was a bit unusual in that I don't think they read anyone's letters, but the program definitely does have an Arctic theme to it, plus, Radio Canada International plays a few Christmas carols sung in the Inuktitut language. I certainly appreciate Ian McFarland giving me this studio recording of the show, since I missed it when it was first broadcast.

ANARC convention live recording featuring keynote by Rudy Espinal of Radio Clarin: June 1979


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following live recording and notes:

Rudy Espinal of Radio Clarin (Dominican Republic) keynote speech at 1979 Association of North American Radio Clubs (ANARC) convention held in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Convention took place in June 1979.

VOA "Talk to America" show by Doug Bernard discussing clandestine radio (Internet Recording): June 14, 2005

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording.

Note that we occasionally post recordings that are not airchecks or off-air recordings when they relate to the shortwave radio listening hobby. This is one such recording. Tom shares the following notes:

Notes: Voice of America (VOA) "Talk to America" show from 2005 hosted by Doug Bernard discussing clandestine radio. Guests included Nick Grace, Clandestine Radio Watch and Richard Lafayette, Global Crisis Watch.

Radio Baghdad: September 26, 1990


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Lee Herterich, who shares the following recording and notes:

This is an off-the-air recording of shortwave radio station Radio Baghdad made on September 26, 1990. The political situation was about to lead to the first Iraq war. This was the European service on a frequency of 13,660 khz. which was aired between 20-22 UTC. It was recorded in the Boston USA area. Receiver was a Yaesu FRG-8800 with an indoor wire antenna. Direct recording into a cassette recorder.

Date of recording: 9/26/1990

Starting time: 21:15 UTC

Frequency: 13,660 kHz

Reception location: Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts USA

Receiver and antenna: Yaesu FRG-8800 with an indoor wire antenna. Direct recording into a cassette recorder.

Voice of Korea: October 3, 2020


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Jared Dancel, who shares the following recording and notes:

First 20 minutes of broadcast from Voice of Korea. The news portion includes a letter (heard in the 14 minute mark) from the North Korean leader Kim-Jong Un to the US President Donald Trump and the first lady, Melania Trump, which at the time, were recovering from the coronavirus.

Date of recording: 10/3/2020

Starting time: 10:01

Frequency: 11.735Mhz

Location: Tarlac, Philippines

Receiver and antenna: Tescun R9012 with telescopic antenna

Radio Australia and 8DR Darwin (Coverage of Cyclone Tracy: December 25, 1974

A picture taken by the ESSA-8 satellite that shows Cyclone Tracy on December 25, 1974 (Source: Wikipedia via NASA)

A picture taken by the ESSA-8 satellite that shows Cyclone Tracy on December 25, 1974 (Source: Wikipedia via NASA)

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Paul Rawdon, who shares the following recording and notes:

Announcement explaining the reason for a reduced signal strength. Cyclone Tracy put the Darwin transmitter site off air. News bulletin plus other selected items that were broadcast relating to the evacuation of Darwin. Because the local 8DR MW transmitter was damaged a microwave link was set up between Darwin and Shepparton with the programme transmitted back to Darwin on shortwave.

Date of recording: 12/25/1974

Starting time: 2100 UTC

Frequency: 9.58 MHz

Your location: Lower Hutt, New Zealand, 26 December NZDT

Receiver and antenna: Trio 9R59DSM communications receiver with a random length long wire

Pop Shop Radio: September 12, 2020


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Anthony Pavick, who shares the following recording and notes:

Edition 1 of Pop Shop Radio as broadcast by Channel 292 in Rohrbach Waal in Germany on 6070 kHz at 1600 UTC to 1700 UTC  on 12 September 2020.

This was a rebroadcast of a show first broadcast on  9 September 2020 at 1800 UTC on same station and frequency.

This recording is 'as received' via the WebSDR at the University of Twente in the Netherlands, and as such has all the wonderful static and interference you'd expect.

Show is produced in British Columbia in Canada.

Radio Netherlands: January 1, 1975


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording and notes:

Radio Nethlerlands shortwave broadcast to Africa recorded in 1975 on 17.810 MHz at 1830 UTC. Transmission opens with a unique trumpet/drums interval signal, singing station identification/jingle, and announcements in the French language.

Rough translation: "This is Radio Netherlands, Hilversum, Holland broadcasting on 16 meters, 17810 kHz." [Singing jingle] "You are listening to the Netherlands Global Radio Network, Radio Netherlands, Hilversum, Holland. Good morning, good afternoon or good evening, according to where you are receiving our signal right now. We are going to spend the next 80 minutes together, and we invite you to listen to our show in the French language."

Starting time: 1830 UTC

Frequency: 17.810

RX location: Plymouth, Minnesota

Receiver and antenna: Hammarlund HQ-180, longwire

Polish Radio (Studio Recording): 1977


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording and notes:

Notes: Studio recording of Polish Radio from 1977. The recording opens with the Polish Radio interval signal followed by a documentary called "In Defense of Peace." The program covers Poland during WWII including a few brief excerpts of Polish Radio and German radio, discussion on the start of the cold war, atomic weapons/arms race, Poland's pursuit of peace, etc. Music is interspersed through out the recording.

Radio Juliaca (Juliaca Peru): July 1959

Floating Uros Islands at the Lake Titicaca in Peru photo made by rouichi/ switzerland

Floating Uros Islands at the Lake Titicaca in Peru photo made by rouichi/ switzerland

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tony King, who shares the following recording and notes:

PERU: Radio Juliaca, Juliaca Peru July 1959. 5015 kHz OAX7X OAX7Z The station came on the air this month and this would appear to be a test transmission playing old time western tunes, mix experiments, and regular ID's. This caption was rebroadcast on Keith Glover's Radio Australia's Mailbox programme the same month as an item of interest to DX listeners.