WJCC, Radio Mega – Miami's Haitian Community AM Station: August 16, 2017


Live, off-air, one-hour recording of AM radio station WJCC, Radio Mega, Miami, on 16 August 2017 beginning at 03:00 UTC (Tuesday, 15 August, 23:00 EDT). The station operates on an expanded-band frequency of 1700 kHz with a transmitter in Hialeah in northwest Miami with a nighttime power of 1 kW and an omnidirectional antenna.

The transmission was received on a Tecsun PL-880 receiver with its built-in ferrite-bar-loop antenna in a hotel room near Miami International Airport in AM mode with 5 kHz RF filtering. Reception was quite good.

Radio Mega is a multicultural station broadcasting primarily in Haitian Creole and French with religious, wellness, and cultural programming with its AM transmitter in Miami and an associated FM network in Haiti.

The recorded program is the "Unity Show" hosted by Soeur Raymonde Pierre.

Radio Mega – Miami's Haitian Community AM Station: August 16, 2017
Richard Langley