HCJB, The Voice of the Andes: June 26, 1994

QSL card from HCJB

QSL card from HCJB

Live, off-air, approximately 45-minute recording of English programming from HCJB, the Voice of the Andes, on 26 June 1994 beginning just before 03:00 UTC on 9745 kHz. The signal was beamed to North America from the HCJB transmitter facility at Pifo near Quito, Ecuador, using a 100 kW transmitter.

The recording begins with the final minute or so of the "Musical Mailbag" program hosted by Curt Cole with Michaelene Tetteh, Giselle Russell, Gail Pfeffer, and Ralph Kurtenbach. The interval signal and station identification then precede the time pips for 03:00 UTC. Next, "HCJB World Radio News" is presented by Ralph Kurtenbach including items about World Cup soccer, Haiti, and Rwanda. This is followed by "DX Partyline" with Rick and Lisa McVicar. The episode featured an article on the difference between UTC and GMT by Prof. Richard Langley of the University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada (me). The recording ends just before the program concludes.

Reception of the broadcast was quite good. At times, some slight co-channel interference can be heard from, presumably, Radio Bahrain (Islamic chanting), and adjacent channel interference from Radio Moscow International / Voice of Russia on 9750 kHz.

The broadcast was received in Hanwell, New Brunswick, Canada, using a JRC NRD-535D receiver operated with a 6 kHz IF filter and with a random-length wire antenna draped around the listening room.

HCJB, The Voice of the Andes: June 26, 1994
Richard Langley