Recording 1 -The 1991 Soviet coup d'état attempt (BBC/Radio Moscow): August 19, 1991

Poster of the putsch of August 1991. The confrontation between the Republican Russian Government and the Union State Government the USSR (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Poster of the putsch of August 1991. The confrontation between the Republican Russian Government and the Union State Government the USSR (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Jack Widner, who shares this recording that includes coverage of the August 19, 1991 Soviet Coup Attempt. Jack shares the following recording notes:

  • Reports from BBC, radio Moscow, and a snip at the end of Czech Radio announcing the end of the state of emergency
  • Radio Moscow--Slight interruption at 5:15-30
  • BBC 05:30 - 12:46
  • Radio Moscow 12:47 -- note the news item on Yugoslavia of Slovenia's independence moves 18:25.  This was the beginning of the dissolution of Yugoslavia
  • BBC 20:08
  • Radio Moscow 26:16 "News & Views"
  • BBC 27:10
  • Radio Moscow World service 28:11
  • Their interval signal at 38:03 the news that Gorbachev is back in control
  • BBC 40:24
  • Moscow 46:33
  • Radio Prague (?) 46:56 announces end of state of emergency
1991 Soviet coup d'état attempt: August, 19 1991
Jack Widner