Voice of Saudi Arabia, test transmission: circa 1970s

Many thanks to Shortwave Radio Audio Archive contributor, Dan Robinson, who submits this 1970s era recording of the Voice of Saudi Arabia on the 25 meter band. As with many of Dan's contributions, this broadcast was received from his home in Levittown, Pennsylvania, USA, using a Hammarlund HQ-180C.

Dan comments:

Saudi Arabia obtained new transmitters in the 1970's and was widely heard with test transmissions before going on the air with full programming. This transmission was heard on a number of frequencies. Saudi Arabia is today, in 2014, still on the air on shortwave, one of the last of the Middle East countries still using this method of transmission.

Click here to download this recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below:

Voice of Saudi Arabia (test transmission): circa 1970s
Dan Robinson