Hurricane Watch Net: September 28, 2022

The following recording was made on September 28, 2022 starting at 1157 UTC on 7268 kHz (lower sideband).

At this time, Hurricane Ian hit the Florida coast as a category 4 storm and had been downgraded to a tropical storm over the Florida peninsula.

This recording was made using a WinRadio Excalubur software defined radio connected to a skyloop antenna near Asheville, North Carolina.

Independent Broadcasting Authority London (557 kHz): June 15, 1973

Photo by Hugo Sousa

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Nigel Thornbury, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: Independent Broadcasting Authority London

Date of recording: 6/15/1973

Starting time: PM

Frequency: 0.557 MHz

Reception location: Birmingham, England

Receiver and antenna: NordeMende Globe Trotter II, internal ferrite rod

Mode: AM

Notes: Beginning of local independent stations in the UK in 1973

Radio Cairo (Sign On): August 11, 2022

Photo by Jack Krier

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Angelo Prieto, for the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: Radio Cairo

Date of recording: 8/11/2022

Starting time: 15:00 UTC

Frequency: 9.440 Mhz

RX location: Miami, FL

Notes: This is a recording of Radio Cairo from my personal magnetic tape collection. This being the only recording of Radio Cairo i have, i digitized it and then decided to upload it to The Shortwave Archive. The cassette recorder made a hissing noise in the background of the cassette recording, but the loud buzzing was interference from the original recording.

Radio Christian Voice (Lusaka, Zambia): October 14, 1996

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Dan Greenall, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: Radio Christian Voice, Lusaka, Zambia

Date of recording: 10/14/1996

Starting time: 0400 UTC

Frequency: 3.330 MHz

RX location: Thamesford, Ontario, Canada

Receiver and antenna: Panasonic RF-3100 and longwire antenna

Mode: AM

Notes: Tough to log here in southern Ontario, Canada, Radio Christian Voice from Lusaka, Zambia was operating on the same frequency as time signal station CHU, Ottawa, Canada. Here is what 3330 kHz sounded like on October 14, 1996 around 0400 UTC. A good station ID from Radio Christian Voice can be heard in spite of the time beep interference from CHU.

BBC World Service (Announcing Passing of Queen Elizabeth II): September 8, 2022

Princess Elizabeth circa 1945 (Image Source: Public Domain)

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Anthony Pavick, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: BBC World Service

Date of recording: 9/8/2022

Starting time: 1600 UTC

Frequency: 12025 kHz

Receiver and antenna: SDR at University of Twente in Holland

Mode: AM

Notes: This is an off-air recording the BBC World Service on Thursday 8 September 2022 from 1600 to 1800 UTC on 12025 khz from the Kranji relay station in Singapore. It is the 90 minutes before the announcement of the passing of HRH Queen Elizabeth II, with the news bulletin at about minute 93

BBC World Service Reporting on the Death of Queen Elizabeth II

This recording was made on September 8, 2022 at 1959 UTC on 12095 kHz using GPD MicroPC, AirSpy Mini, SpyVerter 2, Wellbrook UMB130 balun and a 2x6m dipole. Demodulation and additional signal audio enhancement was performed in SDR#.

Malawi Broadcasting Corporation: June 1, 1997

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Dan Greenall, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: Malawi Broadcasting Corporation

Date of recording: 6/1/1997

Starting time: 0400 UTC

Frequency: 3.380 MHz

RX location: Thamesford, Ontario, Canada

Receiver and antenna: Panasonic RF-3100 and longwire antenna

Notes: Back in the days before the internet, tuning into a radio broadcast from a far away land was often the closest many of us would ever get to that particular country. Still, some of these radio visits were not easy. The Malawi Broadcasting Corporation from Blantyre on 3380 kHz was a rare visitor to my listening post. I managed this brief recording on June 1, 1997 around 0400 UTC. My receiver location was Thamesford, Ontario, Canada. In the first clip, "This is the M.B.C. and the time is 6 'oclock" can be heard. A second clip is then blended in where you can here a jingle and promotional announcement regarding "a shared vision for a country (Malawi)".

Voice of Greece - Final Transmission: June 15, 2022

Live off-air recording of the final two hours of the shortwave transmissions of the Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation's (ERT's) Voice of Greece (I Foni tis Elladas) on 15 June 2022 on a frequency of 9420 kHz. Also known as ERA 5, the Voice of Greece broadcast its programs from Avlis about 50 km north-east of Athens using a transmitter with a registered power of 150 kW with an antenna beam of 323° towards western Europe. Avlis had a large transmitting complex with multiple transmitters and antennas but at the end of its service was reduced to just one operational transmitter.

The Voice of Greece continues to be available via Internet streaming and satellite.

The recording, all in Greek, starts with a time check, the beginning of the Voice of Greece interval (tuning) signal with station identification. Then follows two programs. The first program is Fones kai Mousikes tis Ellinikis Kardias (Voices and Sounds of the Greek Heart). It features an interview with singer Natalia Soledad Petsalis from Buenos Aires. At just after 16:00 UTC, there is news from ERA 1, the Proto Programma network, before returning to Voice of Greece programming. The second program is Kales Thallasses (Good Seas) and includes an interview with retired ship captain Georgios Mavrakis. Captain Mavrakis recounts how during his 30 years of service as a sailor, the broadcasts of the Voice of Greece kept him company at sea. At the end of the recording, there is the short interval signal and identification of the Voice of Greece just before the transmitter leaves the air.

The broadcast was received by the Web-interface wideband software-defined radio at the University of Twente in Enschede, The Netherlands, with a "Mini-Whip" antenna in synchronous AM mode with 5.08 kHz total bandwidth RF filtering. Reception of the broadcast was good with some fading at times and with some slight co-channel interference from a Chinese transmitter especially after 16:00 UTC.

Rádio Nacional da Amazônia: July 8, 2022

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Paul Walker, who shares the following recording of Rádio Nacional da Amazônia.

This recording was made on July 8, 2022 in McGrath, Alaska, on 11,780 kHz. Paul used an ATS25 receiver paired with a magnetic loop antenna (see photo above).

Radio Canada International: August 09 and August 16, 1982

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Tom Laskowski, who shares the following recording and notes:

Here are two more back to back episodes from my collection of recordings of Shortwave Listener's Digest from Radio Canada International, this time from August 09, 1982 and August 16, 1982. This program's highlights are: more talk about submarine cables, changeover from GMT to UTC, part one of harmonics DXing by Glenn Hauser. The second program highlights are: more talk about submarine cables and ANARC news from Jeff White reporting on the 1982 ANARC convention, part 2 of Glenn Hauser's harmonics report.

Broadcaster: Radio Canada International

Date of recording: 8/9/1982

Starting time: 2107 UTC

Frequency: 15.325 MHz

Reception location: South Bend, Indiana

Receiver and antenna: Sony ICF-2001 and longwire

Radio Kuwait (Interval Signal): circa 1970

Photo by Brett Jordan

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Dan Greenall, who shares the following recording and notes:

Here is Radio Kuwait circa 1970, signing on in English with their interval signal, chimes, and giving their frequency information. They were transmitting on 15345 kHz to Europe at 1600 hours UTC. This recording was made in Ancaster, Ontario, Canada using a Hallicrafters S-52 receiver and a long wire antenna. Only used an open mike next to the speaker for this.

Broadcaster: Radio Kuwait

Starting time: 1600

Frequency: 15.345 MHz

Recption location: Ancaster, Ontario, Canada

Receiver and antenna: Hallicrafters S-52 using a longwire antenna

Shortwave Australia (Test Transmission): July 7, 2022

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Ian Pillar,

New low power station 5 KW out of central Victoria keeping everyone very excited in Australia on all the message boards . Run by David Stuart VK3ASE

Broadcaster: Shortwave Australia

Date of recording: 7/7/2022

Starting time: 0750 UTC

Frequency: 4835 kHz

Receiver location: NSW Australia

Receiver and antenna: KiwiSDR Loop Antenna

Qatar Broadcasting Service (Interval Signal): February 21, 1999

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Dan Greenall, who shares the following recording and notes:

Recorded on February 21, 1999, this is the Qatar Broadcasting Service from Doha signing on with their interval signal and announcement in Arabic. They were using 7210 kHz and a little amateur radio interference can be heard as one might expect. Receiver location was Coe Hill, Ontario, Canada.

Broadcaster: Qatar Broadcasting Service

Date of recording: 2/21/1999

Starting time: 0245 UTC

Frequency: 7.210 MHz

Reception location: Coe Hill, Ontario, Canada

Receiver and antenna: Drake SW-8 and a long wire antenna

Voz Cristiana (Santiago, Chile): April 28, 1998

Photo by Kevin Fuentealba Mol

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Dan Greenall, who shares the following recording and notes:

Radio station Voz Cristiana from Santiago, Chile is heard here with a test transmission and announcement in English on April 28, 1998. My logbook says they were operating on 21550 kHz. Receiving post was in Thamesford, Ontario, Canada and I was using a Panasonic RF-3100 portable receiver hooked up to a longwire antenna.

Broadcaster: Voz Cristiana, Santiago, Chile

Date of recording: 4/28/1998

Frequency: 21.550 MHz

RX location: Thamesford, Ontario, Canada

Receiver and antenna: Panasonic RF-3100 and longwire antenna

Radio Kudirat Nigeria (Clandestine): March 22, 1998

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Dan Greenall, who shares the following recording and notes:

Some blended audio clips from pro democracy clandestine station Radio Kudirat Nigeria (The Voice of Democracy) operating on 11540 kHz. This recording was made on March 22, 1998 in Thamesford, Ontario, Canada. The station says they are getting reports of poor reception on their other frequency of 6205 kHz, and recommends tuning to 11540 kHz.

Date of recording: 3/22/1998

Frequency: 11.540

Reception location: Thamesford, Ontario, Canada

Receiver and antenna: Panasonic RF-3100 and longwire antenna