WTWW (The Voice of Freedom): April 25, 2022

Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Bryce Belcher, who shares the following recording and notes:

Broadcaster: WTWW “The Voice of Freedom”

Date of recording: 4/25/2022

Starting time: 23:13 UTC

Frequency: 5.085 MHz

Reception location: Columbus Ohio

Receiver and antenna: My Tecsun PL880 with just the telescopic antenna

Notes: My recording of WTWW, the voice of freedom on 5085 MHz from April 25, 2022. The reception was pretty good here in Columbus in this recording. With just the telescopic antenna the station comes in pretty good.

WTWW (2018 ARRL Field Day Live): June 23, 2018


Many thanks to SRAA contributor, Bill Hemphill, for the following recording and notes:

I recorded the first two hours of the WTWW Field Day live broadcast off the air on 9930 kHz.  I edited the audio file to remove most of the music.  This shortened the audio file to about 80 minutes in length.  Reception was on a Tecsun S-8800 with indoor wire antenna at my home in Smithville, NJ (5 miles north of Atlantic City).